Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Can't read a website now? -> Mark it as "Read It Later"

While surfing the web I frequently come across interesting websites, articles, news, blog posts etc. As I don't always have time to read everything right off, I have come up with the idea of creating the folder "Read It Later" in Bookmark, where I bookmark the website.

By doing this I can cover all the interesting material I come across when there is time available by checking the "Read It Later" folder in Bookmark.


  1. This is a good idea. I think I'll start doing this.

    I do keep a bookmark folder for projects I'd like to try and items I may purchase in the future, I call it Someday/Maybe (like the GTD concept).

  2. Hi Scott,

    thanks for stopping by.

    Yes, the GTD concept is a very good method.

    You can also take this bookmark idea one step further by using Google Bookmarks (on the Google Toolbar) - as it allows you to access your bookmarks everywhere - See: http://toolbar.google.com/T5/intl/en/features.html#bookmarks

    All the best,
